\”We Are Your Friends\” had a bad weekend at the box office.
Actually, that\’s an understatement. WAYF grossed $1.9 million on 2,333 screens, and it\’s the worst opening weekend of any major studio release….ever. It was the thirteenth most profitable film in the country last weekend; \”Straight Outta Compton\” was first with $13.2 million.
WAYF also only made $175,000 in Thursday previews. A Christian drama film named \”War Room\” made $600,000 on the same day, easily beating everyone\’s favorite EDM movie.
I went to an advance screening and interviewed the cast, and I had a feeling this movie would be a bust (but not this bad). The movie was marketed as the EDM movie that follows a young Zac Efron in his quest to be a successful DJ. Instead, it\’s a generic and predictable PG-13 love story that obviously no one wants to see. The idea of \”We Are Your Friends\” is intriguing, but the execution just wasn\’t there.
It\’s Warner Brothers\’ worst opening weekend since \”Major League: Back to The Minors,\” which made $2.09 million for them in 1998. The only good thing about this movie was the soundtrack, and you can listen to that below: