Love him, hate him, hate to love him, love to hate him, your friendly neighborhood Deadmau5 always seems to be popping in and out of the EDM community\’s spot light.

Recently, Youtuber, Michael McCrudden took the time to put together a \”Before They Were Famous\” episode, featuring the life and times of Joel Zimmerman.  From mischievous upbringings sticking forks in outlets, taking apart computers, and talking to strangers across the world to the origins of the name and the mau5head, the video does \”pretty accurate\” job of highlighting some of the DJ/Producer\’s formative moments.

If anything, it\’s interesting to see the parallel rise of Deadmau5 as a producer and icon alongside the rise of (electro) house music and \’EDM\’ as a whole.

Definitely worth the watch below:

DEADMAU5 - Before They Were Famous