
For those that haven’t heard, a stage caught on fire while a DJ was playing at Tomorrowland in Barcelona. Following the incident, the festival’s organizers have issued the following statement:

“Saturday night July 29th 2017, the UNITE Barcelona stage caught fire due to a technical malfunction. Thanks to the professional intervention of the authorities all 22.000 visitors were evacuated safely and without reports of injuries. Local authorities will follow up and continue the investigation together with the Spanish organisation of UNITE. For further information please send an email to

UNITE BARCELONA is an event organised by an experienced Spanish organizer in Barcelona where there is set up a live satellite connection from Tomorrowland Belgium, so we livestream some of our artists to UNITE events.

UNITE has been organized for 3 years already. This year there were 7 UNITE events happening today (Sat 29/7) : Korea, Spain, Germany, Malta, Israel, Dubai, Lebanon.”

See the evacuation of thousands at the show below. We can only hope incidents like these do not continue to happen at any festivals.