Having a business is never easy. Most of you that are business owners already know this, and you probably know what it’s like to orchestrate a successful project, manage people and activities.
Today we are tackling the issue of managing an excavator project. Most of you probably think that this is easy and that excavation doesn’t take that much to orchestrate. There are a lot of things that can go wrong here and if business owners want to stay afloat in this business they have to have a strategy for every excavation job.
This is not going to work if you are to approach any job without much thought. If you think that all you need to do is drive the machinery to the site and start digging you are mistaken. There are certain steps or strategies you like you need to implement if you want a fast, successful and safe job. This is where we come in and this is why we are making this article today.
If you want to know about these strategies keep on reading and if you are someone who needs a well-done job by a reputable company check out gearequip.com and see what they are all about and what they can do for you, today.
1. Know your dig site
It is easy to overlook one thing, that is important, and it is knowing where you are digging. If you are a company that upholds safety and that is keen on efficiency and productivity you have to know everything you can about the place where you are doing an excavation. Soil composition, cables, gas or water lines, power lines are all the things you need to know about to avoid any potential issues and problems. All of this will keep you and your people and equipment safe, keep the environment safe as well as make you as professional as possible. This is an additional job for you as a business that is doing the excavation but it will make your job a lot easier, faster and safer which is most important.
2. Prepare the dig site
Without much regard where you are doing the excavation, you always have to prepare that site in a way that you outline the place you are digging. This has two purposes – one is that you know where are the boundaries of your project which will also keep you where you need to dig at all times and avoid using time and machinery in are which you are not paid for. Second thing is, when you mark out your project space, you will manage to dig in very straight and sharp lines. It does look nice and makes everything as professional as it can. No matter how expert you or your excavator workers are it is always a nice thing to draw some lines and stick to them just to neat everything up.
3. Approvals
Excavation jobs are not just driving the excavator to the site and start digging things up. You need to have some approvals sorted out because if you don’t you will have a tough time completing the project at all. In every normal and legal country, you have to have all your paperwork sorted out and it is no different here. Local utility companies must be contacted and get approved for everything you do. This is tied to those lines and piping that can potentially be under your dig site. This is why you have to know your dig site; you have to have permission and approval from the responsible authorities.
4. Erosions
Whenever you are digging or doing any type of excavation job you have to be mindful of one more thing and it is the erosion of the ground. Depending on the job site, the depth of the dig and the soil composition you have to do calculations and plans with preparations that will stop or remedy possible erosions. You also have to know that due to certain factors erosion can’t always be stopped but this is why you have to plan it and prepare a backup plan that will help you prevent it from spreading further than needed and plan to clear any erosion debris and damages.
5. Good weather
Any type of excavation job should be done when the weather for that job is convenient. We can’t even try to count the number of cases where an excavation job went wrong because of bad weather, both rain and wind. Rain especially is bad because it disturbs the soil, makes it turn to mud and mud for heavy machinery is bad. You can get stuck, you can fall through the ground, you can have bad erosions that can broaden the dig site and make you work twice as long as you should. This is why good weather is imperative and, considering certain terrain types, good weather will benefit you in both efficiency and effectiveness.
6. Communication
Having good communication is important in any business. You have to know how, when and in what tone to communicate to those that hired you for a job, but also have good communication with other contractors on the site, or even your subcontractors for your job. This is something that makes a difference in any type of job. Whenever you have issues communicating problems emerge and in the business world problems are equal to the loss of time, money and efficiency. Good communication and a good layout of what everyone’s job is, where it is, how long it lasts is imperative if you are to do yours the way you agreed.
In a conclusion, we just want to say that following these strategies is not that hard, and it should come naturally, especially in this line of work. Whenever heavy machinery and special tools are in using these strategies have to be implemented to make sure that that equipment gets on and off the site safely, to make sure that your site is safe for everyone and eventually to make sure that the job you have been contracted for is done as agreed upon and in the timeframe that is commanded.
There are always situations that will happen, that are out of your power and influence and those all can be remedied by having good communications with everyone involved in the project.