Whether you are just starting your business or have it for a long time, you know that there are many things you can’t do successfully without supplies. Yet their importance is often forgotten. When you are just starting a business, then you have many things to do. You have to buy everything, from furniture, computers and other big things, to obtaining all the necessary licenses and finding space where you will place your offices.

Then office supplies are often forgotten, especially nowadays when it seems to us that most things can be done with the help of a computer and that we do not need old school things like paper. However, you will quickly realize that you just can’t do everything without all these supplies and that they certainly have their application even in the digital age in which we live today. But don’t worry because even many experienced company managers forget what all it takes to run a successful company. That is why we have made a checklist of office supplies you always forget to buy.

1. Paper

Source: Avebe

We probably couldn’t say that paper is something you always forget to buy, but it’s certainly something you always forget to buy in sufficient quantities. Paper is the simplest and most used of all office supplies, yet indispensable. Although we use computers and have various programs and apps that help us in the most varied tasks, you must also have paper. It is always necessary to write something down or print it out. Very often each of your employees has to print something, for example, a contract, at least once a day.

And that’s why it often happens that you run out of pepper, which can be a big problem at that moment. For example, a client is waiting to sign a contract, and there is no paper anywhere to print the contract. So always have a supply of paper, because if you keep it in a dry place, it can stay there for years. So you don’t have to worry about throwing it away. Of course, think about the environment, so educate your employees to reduce the use of paper as much as possible.

2. Pens

Source: SunLive

For the reasons we have already mentioned, and that is use of computers and other smart devices for most things, we often forget to buy enough pens. We buy only a few, which is certainly not enough to meet the needs of all employees. And it is often needed, as is the paper we have already written about. Sometimes it is really a necessity, but most people also want to be able to write down what they want on paper rather than to use a computer. That may change in 20 or 30 years when generations of people who are no longer accustomed to paper and pencil start working. But that is still not the case. So provide a few different pens to each employee, to have it when they need it. Pen writing is also good for the brain, so it certainly shouldn’t be completely ruled out.

3. Paper clips

Source: Amazon.co.uk

It is easy to forget one such little thing like a paper clip. But it is necessary, in order to link the documents and be able to sort them in the right way. The worst thing is to allow all the documents to be mixed, because then it will take days to put everything in the right place. You probably didn’t know that there are over 50 different types of clips, all of which have their own purpose. So do a little research on this topic, to know which few types to buy.

4. Folders

Source: School Smart

Another thing necessary for proper sorting of documents are folders. Just as you make folders on your computer, you should also have folders for physical documents. It is also a very good protection for documents. It is especially important that you have them for all the documents related to the finances of your business so that you can be ready for the tax season in the right way. Click here to see all the sizes and types of folders you can buy.

5. Sticky notes


If you do not buy enough sticky notes, it is certain that someone will forget to do something. People are used to sticking sticky notes all over their desk to remind them what they need to do. Although there are sticky notes on the computer as well, they have never reached the popularity of real sticky notes. It is also used to remind colleagues of a task, so the consumption of this office material is very high. So get ample amounts of sticky notes, because everyone will use them. Don’t always rely on technology, sometimes old school sticky notes are all you need.

6. Envelopes

Source: Papicolor

It’s probably been years since you sent the last letter, so you’ll probably decide you don’t need envelopes. When you order office supplies, envelopes will be one of the things you will find completely unnecessary and you will make a big mistake there. Every business has to send a letter from time to time despite the fact that email is mostly used. Also, envelopes are very useful for sorting different documents. They can also be used to send New Year’s greetings to business partners and clients, which is a great business move. Since they are very cheap, buy as high quality as possible, so that your documents are safe. There are different types, so it would be good to get at least a few pieces of each.

7. Cleaning supplies

Source: HGTV.com

This is something you will certainly not buy, especially if you are outsourcing that task to a commercial cleaning company. But even though professionals do it for you, buy at least a few basic cleaning products. It happens that someone spills coffee or something like that and then they will need a cleaning agent because it won’t stand like that all day until the staff comes to clean it. Also, get disposable rubber gloves, as they will often be needed in such situations. Garbage bags are also something you can never have too many.


These are office supplies that you will regret if you do not buy on time. Then you will need them at some point, and you will not be able to get them easily. Keep the office running smoothly with easy orders and reorders on all the medical office supplies you need, including custom patient forms, labels and filing solutions from Surgicalsupplies.us.