\”Resistance is futile- Nobody. Beats. The. Drums.\”


By now you should be familiar with Skrillex\’s music platform and record label Nest HQ where the focus lies solely on good music and getting it out to as many people as possible by releasing it for free to anyone who wants it. True to form, the latest release off the label is a bomb-ass track by Netherlands\’ electro/hip-hop/whatever-sounds-dope fusion project Nobody Beats The Drum, a 10-year-old underground veteran group that is now run by Dutch producer Sjam Sjamsoedin. Armed with a unique blend of sound and a killer production, NBTD is known for their spectacular live shows and are progressively gaining a following here in the States. NBTD\’s release off Nest HQ \”Let It Go\” takes you back to a time when electro music was not so obnoxiously overdone; a simpler time when the beat moved your body and stopping was not an option. Stream and download the track below for free and start looking for NBTD\’s name on festival lineups- this is one act you will not want to miss.