Knife Party fans: Rob and Gareth are slowly but surely retreating from their hiatus. With a confirmed album on the way, titled Abandon Ship, the masterminds behind highly acclaimed tracks such as \”Internet Friends\” and \”Destroy Them With Lasers,\” are jumping back into the water with nothing short of incredible production. According to the duo, 9 of 12 tracks are set and there are several others floating around with potential. There is no release date for the album itself, but we\’ll keep you posted. We can only hope that this new album will call for a tour. And we can\’t wait.
If you were able to catch their set at Spring Awakening or EDC this year, you\’ve definitely heard some of the new material. But let it be known that, according to the Knife Party Twitter, the tracks played were merely demos and will \”drastically\” change before the album\’s official release. Luckily for the rest of you, their set at EDC has been uploaded to SoundCloud and is available for a free download. Grab it quick, because these things don\’t stay up forever.
Listen below:
Here\’s the tracklist.