Dental solutions have really come a long way, as has the whole dentistry branch of medicine. What was once not even present in society and the consciousness of people is now one of the most important parts of hygiene and health. Dental hygiene and dental health offer us so much in terms of increasing the practical use of our teeth, the teeth being overall healthier and stronger, and looking better for a more symmetrical and shinier smile. However, there is a potential problem there, or at least a tough choice to come face to face with.
In modern dentistry, there are different ways to achieve symmetrical teeth, a more beautiful smile, and give all of the teeth enough room to thrive and remain healthy. The more traditional technique are braces. Everyone knows about them, they have been around for decades, and they are what most of us think of when dental aesthetics and symmetrical teeth are in question. A newer method of achieving all of this without the need of wires and all the other parts of the apparatus that sit on the teeth is called invisalign, as in invisible align(ment).
So which one is better and can they be compared? If so, how and why is one better than the other? If you are in need of a way to correct your teeth and align them in order to get a beautiful and symmetrical smile, one of these two will be the way to do it. Right here and now in this article, we talk about invisalign and braces and determine which one is the better option. Read on to find out more about this and be sure to check out drmcsurdy.com for more information on invisalign. It is a newer method and therefore not as familiar as the traditional braces.
The Overview
Both of these are popular options with their advantages and disadvantages. The main reason why more and more people choose invisalign is the fact that they are barely visible. Certain models are not visible at all. On the other hand, braces have a lot going on and they are literally a mouthful. The fact that you have wires and plates on the teeth means that every time you smile your teeth will not be visible and your smile will be almost completely obstructed. This is a lot to deal with for many patients so naturally they go with the clear, modern option with no wires.
Still though, many still opt for braces not knowing what is best and which they should consider more. A lot of factors should be taken into account when making the final decision. For example, the level of correction you need, your age, and your lifestyle are all important factors that you need to remember. Worry not as we have you covered. Consult the following sections on your way to making the ultimate decision.
Clear Aligner Benefits
The benefits of invisalign, or clear aligners as they are also called, are many. The most obvious is the appearance. They fit closer to the teeth and are nearly invisible because they are transparent. Such discretion is the ultimate need for most patients and the main reason they get them. Since they sit so close to the teeth and are generally smaller than braces, they are also a lot more comfortable to wear. The inside of the mouth is not nearly as full and the movement of the tongue is free. This means you will not have any issue with talking and feel no discomfort when wearing them.
Brushing and flossing are simple with clear aligners as you can remove the entire mouthpiece easily and to it as you normally would. There is no need and challenge to wash thoroughly wash them like you would the braces. Finally, eating is also easier since you can eat anything. With braces, you have to avoid hard food like nuts, popcorn, bagels, and anything chewy. With aligners all you have to do is remove them, eat, and then get them in again.
Where there are positives there are also a few downsides, and so is the case with invisalign. Clear aligners have several cons, the biggest of which is their inability to correct complex problems. It is simply not meant for complex corrections but only minor straightening. If there are complex issues to correct, the clear aligners may require certain visible attachments. Another issue is the price as they cost much more than regular braces. Last but not least, wearing an invisalign requires a lot of discipline and it is definitely not for those who will forget to put it on, or even worse, lose them. There is a required amount of hours you need to wear them each day in order for the teeth to receive their treatment.
Traditional Braces
Since most people already know a lot about braces, here is a quick rundown. It is a universal treatment for complex cases and invisalign is out of the question when there is a lot of alignment to do. There are multiple types of braces and options to choose from, including those that can be removed just like clear aligners. However, the most effective ones are the fixed braces that sit on the teeth for months. They are made of stainless steel wires and are heat resistant, meaning you can drink anything you like with them including coffee and tea.
When it comes to the drawbacks, the most obvious one is the mouth discomfort of permanent braces. It can really take some time to get used to them and there may be certain irritations and even cuts until the whole mouth and tongue are used to having a foreign apparatus inside. The appearance is the next issue for people as everyone can see them. They are incomparable more obvious that clear aligners. Food limitations also exist with fixed apparatuses where you cannot have gum, bagels, hard foods and candy, and popcorn. Food can get stuck in-between the wires and plates and require you to take a trip to the orthodontist. Speaking of, there are frequent visits anyway to track progress and to adjust the wires as the teeth move.