Camp NCN is the home of Wisconsin\’s beloved Infrasound Music Festival. Tickets to the three day event went on sale months ago, but the festival has gained some traction and experienced more ticket sales this year than any other since its conception in 2012. It\’s not surprising that these tickets went quickly; early-birds started at only $90 and general event passes do not go for more than $140. This is one of the most inexpensive full weekend camping festivals but it boasts the atmosphere of a $300+ experience. Infrasound has a very passionate community of veterans that hold the production very close to their hearts. Many original Infrasound-ers were instrumental in the festival\’s success in its early years and are vital to the overall close-knit experience.
Because of an influx in ticket sales, on May 7th, Infrasound staff decided to hold all further transactions until an application process was to begin soon thereafter. Their website and Facebook page announced their reasoning for such action, which was \”to ensure that the people who have supported Infrasound Music Festival since its roots have an opportunity to attend the festival,\” and to allow the Infrasound team to \”show equal support back to those who have shown us great support over the past years.\”
Though a decent amount of disgruntled Infrasound hopefuls voiced their myriad opinions via social media whilst fervently hunting on ticket exchanges for a pass, the move generally seems to be accepted as an understandable action considering the spirit of this festival. For a smaller event that can owe its success to its loyal original attendees and team members, the application procedure is the best bet to make sure the festival remains based on the community of its tight knit core.
After reading through the questions, applicants understand the mindset with which the Infrasound staff is approaching the overflow issue. It asks to know why the applicant \”slept on\” purchasing a ticket prior to the installment of the application, what the fest means to them, and what their best memory is from Infra (if applicable). The questions are genuine and will get some equally sincere answers. Regardless of the final decisions, though it will be difficult to deny anyone, Infrasound staff will surely have a rewarding experience reviewing the submissions. It will also be interesting for the team to read applicants from people who may not have attended but want to experience the 3 dreamlike days in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. Reading why there exists such a desire to attend now will only help the festival grow to be able to host more attendees in coming years.
With a line-up that rocks 2 Tipper sets, the Opiuo Band, Benga, Russ Liquid, and countless other impressive bass wobbling artists, it is no surprise the festival is getting some extra attention this year. What are some other festivals you know of that have done this? Has anyone ever applied to any other festivals? What do people think about the team\’s decision to do this? Is it fair?
This application process will begin on Saturday 5/9 at 2 pm CST and conclude 5/15 at 11:59 pm CST. Everyone who submits an application will receive a response between 5/19 – 5/21.