
The world of gaming is an exciting place these days. Naturally, we are talking about the world that makes us entertained for a couple of decades. Sure, there were some other ways people have been able to have quality time. Still, video games were a breakthrough factor that charmed humanity. With the technological advancements we have experienced in the last couple of decades, video games became a significant source of entertainment.

Some people would describe them as interactive books, which is a pretty close description of what they are these days. The best indicator of their popularity is the industry’s revenue over the years. If you take a look at some reports and studies, you will see that it is currently valued at roughly over $170 billion. Plus, many predictions say that it would reach $300 billion in the years to come.

When you know that there are more than 2.5 billion gamers from all over the globe, you will not be surprised by this statement. A relatively new concept that has attracted popularity is the concept of blockchain games. If you want to take a look at some of them, visit Now, we would like to talk about the best titles that have got out over the last couple of years.

1. Illuvium


If you are a fan of the RPG genre, you will be happy to know that there is one of these you can come across when you opt for blockchain games. We are talking about a game that was built on the Ethereum blockchain system. We don’t doubt that this is a great combination.

Just think about it, you will have a chance to participate in a game similar to the old-school titles like Baldur’s Gate or Diablo, and earn some Ethereum in the process. Thankfully, the transactions of the coins you get while playing this game will be done instantly. You will have a chance to try it out in 2024.

2. Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity Explained & How To Start!

When it comes to the most popular title of this kind, we would say that Axie Infinity takes the first spot. If you are someone who enjoyed playing Pokémon and other similar titles, you will enjoy this one, you can be sure of that. The idea is that players will bread their species of Axies.

To describe them in the best possible way would be to say that they are some sort of digital creatures. Not only that they can be bred, but you can also make your species enroll in a tournament where they will compete with other players’ species for a grand prize. Plus, you can sell them for serious money. There is one situation where this digital creature was sold for more than $1 million.

3. Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained - Official Gameplay Trailer

If you enjoy playing trading card titles like Yu-Gi-Oh or Hearthstone, you should try out God’s Unchained. Without any doubt, we are talking about a title that has managed to establish itself as one of the most popular ones, especially when we are talking about this sort of video game.

It needs to be said that you can trade pretty much all the cards you want with other players. On the other hand, you can sell them on the market for Ethereum. There are a couple of examples that show us that a couple of cards have been sold for a couple of thousands of US dollars.

4. Lightnite

Lightnite - PLAY TO EARN BTC SHOOTER Multiplayer Pre Alpha - BATTLE ROYALE

Looking for an action-packed blockchain game doesn’t have to be as hard as many players believe it is. The reason is that there is a title that can provide you with all that you have used to when it comes to these games. We are talking about Lightnite. What separates this one from previous titles is that the reward is Bitcoin.

As you can presume, the better you are at this game, your chances of earning more coins over time will become significantly higher. At the same time, those players who are not as skilled, and don’t have a lot of success, will be penalized by losing BTC. So, you can perceive this title as a passive income.

5. Idle Cyber


Fans of tower defense titles will be happy to see that Idle Cyber has upper the standards of these games. The storyline is set in 2088, where humans are struggling to defend themselves from hordes of mutants, zombies, and cyborgs. Naturally, building the proper defense will make all the difference in this title.

There is one interesting fact about this title. The developers openly asked for people to invest in their projects. In the end, saying that this project was successful would be an understanding. Plus, the players themselves can make a significant profit just by playing Idle Cyber. So, we can say that this is a win-win situation.

6. Crypto Kitties


Last but not least, we feel it is important to discuss a title called Crypto Kitties. Some would say that this title started this concept and attracted a higher number of players than any other title. On the other hand, we can say that it is one of the oldest ones of this kind. Nevertheless, its popularity hasn’t declined at all. In fact, its popularity is at its peak these days.

Crypto Kitties offers you a chance to own your cats. Not only that, you can breed them, make them unique, and in the end sell them or trade them to another player. It needs to be said that the possibilities are practically limitless. You will just need enough time to learn all there is to know about them. As is the case with many other titles, you can earn Ethereum.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, there is a whole new, unique way of gaming on the brink. Even though it can be said that this concept is still relatively new and it still has a lot of work to be done, it managed to attract a lot of players. Here, you can take a look at some of the best titles that will provide you with a one-of-a-kind experience.