It is very important to use proper protection from the sun to avoid issues like dry skin, sunburns, or even serious conditions like cancer and more. Most people love to spend their vacation at some resort near the sea. However, being exposed to the sun for a longer period without cream or a lotion could ruin your holiday. In that matter, pay attention to choose the right one before you leave your apartment and go to lay down on the beach.
Moreover, since there are so many products available today, especially over online stores where you can choose all kinds of products, it might be a tough solution over which sunscreen to choose. You can read a review about some of the best sunscreens in 2024, along with many other products at DeListProduct. Furthermore, when it comes to sunscreens, we can notice that there is a wide range of prices for these products. In this article, we are going to analyze more about the prices of sunscreens, and are those expensive ones worth the money.
Important Features of Every Sunscreen
There is a wide selection of cream and lotions that you can use as protection from sunburns. However, the efficiency depends on the factor that can be between 10 and 100. The most common factor in these products is 30 because it offers stable protection and the ability to gain an attractive skin tan without any risks. Also, you should know that there are no big differences with factors higher than 30 and that they can offer only slightly bigger protection.
For example, SPF 30 will protect you from around 97% of UV lights, while SPF 50 provides you with only one percent over that. A reliable lotion should last for about an hour and work even after you went out of the water. In most cases, you will have to apply the lotion every two hours. On the other hand, you shouldn’t use these products on babies, especially those younger than 6 months.
Dangers of Frequent Exposure Without Protection
Before you buy any of these products, you have to check the label and see how much can it protect you from the UV lights. Also, you should know that there are two types of radiation, UVB and UVA. Both of these can cause issues with skin and serious diseases. The factors that you can find on labels are only related to UVB rays. Therefore, you should look for a product with a broad spectrum feature, which means that it is efficient against both types of radiation.
Different Types of Sunscreen
You can find this product in various forms like stick, spray, and lotion. However, you should know that the form is not important for efficiency, and it only relates to your preferences and favorite model of applying for the protection. The most common type is a lotion that you must cover over your body with hands. Also, spray became very popular in recent years, along with the stick, because they are much more convenient in terms of applying the cream on the skin with an easier method. No matter what is your choice, be sure to buy the water-resistant one that can protect from different types of UV light.
Moreover, learning how to apply the cream properly is as important as choosing a proper one. There are many cases where people get sunburns even if they had a lotion. The issue is that they didn’t cover all of the skin with it. Also, you should cover your skin at least 15 minutes before you go to the beach. If you have kids, you can use the same products even though there are many lotions with labels that say how they are for kids. However, the ingredients in the packages are the same. All children older than six months can use the same lotion as adults.
Difference Between Expensive and Affordable Sunscreens
We can see a lot of advertisements from various brands and distributors about high-quality sun protection and why you must buy some of their products. On the other side, there are official regulations related to skincare and ingredients in them. Therefore, you should focus on the SPF and the ability to get protection from different types of UV lights, and not on a brand. When there are two products with a big price difference, but both of them has the same SPF, you should know that the product with a higher price won’t provide you with a better protection.
Companies are using advanced marketing techniques to attract more customers, but the basics of most products that you can find on the market, no matter the price, are completely the same. Also, there is only a minor difference between SPF 30 and SPF 50, which means that you don’t need to spend more money on a higher factor of protection.
Buying a proper sunscreen will make your vacation at sea much more enjoyable since there will be no chance to have issues with your skin from sunburns. It is always a good thing to learn more about some products before you decide which one of them to buy. The same is with sunscreens since there is a wide selection of these products available on the market. Considering the high competition, it is not a surprise that most brands would try to present their lotions as the best ones on the market. However, the fact is that all of them that passed the test issued by the government can provide you with nearly the same level of security.
In that matter, choose the reliable and affordable lotions that include broad spectrum and at least “factor 30” protection from UV lights. The selection between brands is not so important as long as you get the product with those features. Moreover, there are even lip balms available with this sort of ingredients. Also, in case you don’t have proper lotion, be sure to wear long sleeves and light clothes that will cover most of your body. Sunglasses are important as well for protection of your eyesight.