If you\’re a concertgoer who doesn’t always buy tickets directly from the acquitted page or outlet, there’s a good chance you’ve crossed paths with ticket scalpers. Ticket scalpers run amok in today’s online market using illegal scalper bots to bypass restrictions on how many tickets a single person can buy and resell them at exorbitant costs.
In today\’s scene, it has become almost impossible to acquire affordable tickets for popular shows.
It’s almost common to hear of someone’s unfortunate situation that usually goes along the lines of not grabbing tickets in time and ending up paying 2 or 3 times the original price or not at all.
Well, it\’s about time we did something about this reality.
In response to the unfairness surrounding the ever-so-expanding industry, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York State, has passed legislation to tackle down on scalper bots and heavily penalize those who do.
According to the new law, violators who are caught using scalper bots, and people who resell tickets that were knowingly purchased through scalper bots will be charged with a class A misdemeanor, which may result in hefty fines or even possible imprisonment.
\”It\’s predatory, it\’s wrong and, with this legislation, we are taking an important step towards restoring fairness and equity back to this multi-billion dollar industry\”, Governor Cuomo said.
Is a scalper-free world of face-valued tickets nigh? Only time will tell, but New York\’s bill is a step in the right direction.
Check out New York State’s official statement here.