Look out for Excision in a North American city near you in 2015, as the dubstep behemoth and Rottun Records label boss embarks on a fifty date live tour. Taking in cities across his Canada homeland as well as various stops in the United States, Excision will be taking his \”The Executioner\” stage show out on the road for the final time.
Utilising three dimensional video projection, the set up allows Excision to DJ and run 3D video at the same time, all live and in real time. \”The Executioner\” also happens to pump out 150,000 watts of crisp PK sound to the crowd. After touring it in 2013 and 2014, it’ll be your final chance to catch this visual spectacle. It all kick starts in February, with support from Rottun Records own Protohype and Minnesota – you can order tickets here.