We\’re inching our way to the new Knife Party album \”Abandon Ship,\” which, as previously stated, is set to be out whenever Rob and Gareth decide it\’s finished. And only a considerably small portion of fans have listened to some of the new material. That is, until now.
If you didn\’t attend any of their shows this year, no worries. Rob Swire uploaded a 1:27 minute preview to one of the songs some of us may have heard this festival season. Titled \”Boss Mode,\” the demo sends us back into the power-filled world of Knife Party. Swire does stress that the song is unfinished and could eventually change, which has also been said about the rest of the album.
As of now, the duo have confirmed 9 of 12 tracks and have others floating around. It has also been said that the release date for the album will be announced soon, and thanks to Twitter, we get consistent updates on overall progress. Things seem to be looking good.
So here you are: \”Boss Mode.\”
(P.S. if you don\’t like Boss Mode, there\’s 12 other tracks on the album that sound nothing like it, so calm your tits)
— Knife Party (@knifepartyinc) August 6, 2014